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What's Going On Down There? A Boy’s Guide to Growing Up

*New York Public Library: Books for the Teen Age, 1997

Publishers Weekly
Addresses boys' questions about pimples, masturbation, girls' bodies, birth control, and penis size. The warm, humorous tone is reassuring as well as informative. Goofy, sometimes explicit cartoons marshall discomfort into laughter.

An excellent book, with lots of great cartoon artwork that adds fine comedy without compromising the importance of the subject.

The Horn Book Magazine
While girls have been well served in recent years by such helpful titles as Gravelle's own Period Book, boys have had little else than the co-ed It's Perfectly Normal to find answers to their most intimate -- not to mention embarrassing -- questions. Gravelle (and her two teenage "advisors") takes a forthright approach to such topics as puberty, penis size, maturbation, sexual intercourse, reproduction, and STD's. The tone is candid and the advice objective. Diagrams are helpful, and cartoons lighten the mood.